Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Norton High School Gets a Makeover

           The small, suburban town of Norton, Massachusetts is in the midst of a massive addition and renovation of its high school, a building that has openhandedly and impeccably harbored the knowledge and talents of thousands of students.
            The building project, which commenced in the spring of 2012, is a highly debated topic amongst nearly all Norton citizens. Olivia Karcis, an opinionated senior and upcoming graduate at Norton High School, is one of many that could not be more excited for the new addition to come
 “I think it is an extremely beneficial project for both the school and our town, but I must say that I am disappointed I will not be here to utilize it,” says Karcis when asked what she thinks about the project as a whole. Karcis went on to say that “Even though the construction is a real pain, and it is noisy and smelly and there is dust everywhere, I know that the school will be absolutely beautiful by the time everything is finished.”
            When asked what part of the addition she is most eager to see, Karcis immediately responded to the idea of the new science classrooms. “I am very excited for the new science wing. I am taking lots of AP science classes this year, and I know fur sure that I would definitely have benefitted from those new rooms.”
            With the addition project scheduled for a completion date in late winter or early spring of 2013, it is unlikely that the current senior class will be able to fully appreciate the new facilities, which includes five new, state-of-the-art classrooms and a new school. The renovation portion of the project is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2013, just a few months after the seniors have departed for their post-high school plans.
            However, it is certain that this new addition to not only Norton High School but also to the local community will provide an entirely new learning experience for future students to appreciate and preserve. As Karcis says, “our town will definitely be changed for the better.”
Norton High School New Exterior

Norton High School New Lobby

Norton High School New Entryway

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